Dear fellow river floaters, Thanks to all of you, we had another great river trip this year. This years trip will be remembered by that great new launch site, for sure. There will be details in our next communication about how you may be able to help the Kings River Conservancy. Thanks to Bill for developing, and maintaining this great new email list. It sure makes our communication better. I know of a few more pen pals that have started as a result. If you have not yet received your group picture, please let us know. On-line resources for your reference: Web page: River Signups: River Trip Photo Gallery: Rookies: Use WNMSignups for email changes. Be sure to send email changes, including your old and new addresses. Use rookies for applications for new rookies on the river trip. Send your photo links to and I'll add your link to the list. If you want to help make the website nicer, contact me: Facebook: WNM(Thanks, Meg!) Who want to start a twitter page? Let me know. Get on it you cyber-slackers. I can't do it all my self! We would like to take advantage of this great communication devise, by having any of you who may have taken pictures this year, to post them here, and share them with the group. Links: There are no plans at the moment for a post river party, unless we hear from a few more of you. Want to host a party: WE are in need of an artist that would be able to design our river flyer and T-shirt. The dates for next years trip are: July 15-17 2011 Please let us know if you have anything that you would like to share. River Web team. Grant, Bill and a cast of 100's
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